Mubashir Saddique, a renowned Pakistani YouTube vlogger, gained immense popularity through his channels "Village Food Secrets" a...
Mubashir Saddique, a renowned Pakistani YouTube vlogger, gained immense popularity through his channels "Village Food Secrets" and "Mubashir Saddique," which mainly feature travel and cuisine videos. His vlogs demonstrate how to prepare regional dishes and provide alternate methods of cooking fast food and modern cuisine in rural areas with limited resources.
With his extensive travels across numerous countries, Saddique has showcased various cuisines from around the world, earning him a massive following. His father's famous dialogue "Zindabad Mubashir Puttar Maza e aagya" is widely recognized by his subscribers. Born on February 7, 1982, in the village of Shahpur, Saddique completed his primary and secondary education in Sialkot, Pakistan, where he currently resides.
After working as a production manager at a factory in Sialkot, Saddique left his job to focus on his YouTube career. He attributes his cooking skills to his mother, who taught him how to build earthenware stoves and cook. Two of his younger brothers are also YouTubers.
Saddique's journey to YouTube stardom began when he started preparing a special meal for his parents every Sunday. Encouraged by his brother, he started filming his cooking sessions and uploaded the videos to YouTube. Initially, his videos garnered just 10-20 views for the first six months, but some of his videos later went viral, earning him a massive following.
As of April 12, 2023, Saddique's YouTube channel has over 209K subscribers, and his estimated net worth is $109,127. He has uploaded 149 videos over the past six years. With 776,032,063 views in the past five years, Saddique has earned an estimated 194,000,000 million rupees from YouTube advertisements.
Looking ahead, Saddique's net worth is expected to increase to RS 26,338,839.18 by May 2023.
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