Words Counter
Characters: 0
Words: 0
Sentences: 0
Paragraphs: 0
Reading Time: 0
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- [accordion]
- What is Word Counter Tool?
- If you are a blog writer, you might be needed some assist like our words counter tool to count words in your content. Then this Words Counter Tool is a best online word counter for you. It is a free tool for using to count words, character, unique words, sentences and paragraphs or it is a letter counter tool.
- How To Use Word Counter Tool?
- To use this tool to counter words, character, sentences, unique words and paragraphs, you have to copy a whole of your content and paste it in this tool or you can write your article in this tool then it will work for you automatically.
- Does Word Counter Tool Helpful For You?
- If you are writing a blog article and you think about SEO you will think this tool is helpful for you. Why does it helpful? The rule of SEO or require from SEO, you have to write a sentence at least 300 words. Therefore, this word counter tool will be helpful for a blog writer like you.