This post explain how to hide or display widgets in mobile device for blogspot without using 'Display:none'
Still in touch with this, after the Google Mobile-Friendly Algorithm was updated on April 21, 2015, ago. Many webmasters create Mobile Friendly and responsive sites for faster and more convenient access via mobile devices. Obviously, this is a positive step and as the initial foundation for building a website, for the next step live how we manage the site.
Okay, blogger tips this time I will give tips on how to hide or display a widget in a blog on a mobile device. This trick can indeed be done by adding CSS display: none tag on certain widgets that want to be hidden on a mobile device with a certain resolution, but there are better and more practical that is the way I will give below
Hiding Widgets in Mobile Device
First, please open the template editor in your blog. Then specify what widgets will be hidden from the mobile device, for example here I will hide the HTML1 widget inside the template by writing conditional tags like this
[<B: if cond = 'data: blog.isMobileRequest == "false"'>
<B: widget id = 'HTML1' locked = 'false' title = '' type = 'HTML' version = '1' visible = 'true'>
</ B: widget>
</ B: if>]
Displays Widgets in Mobile Device
And if you want to display widgets only on mobile devices only you can change the false value in the code above to be true
[<B: if cond = 'data: blog.isMobileRequest == "true"'>
<B: widget id = 'HTML1' locked = 'false' title = '' type = 'HTML' version = '1' visible = 'true'>
</ B: widget>
</ B: if>]
Next, save the template and see the results.
Well, how? Quite easy is not it. So much from me about How to Hide or Display Widgets in Mobile Device. Hopefully useful for all buddies, thank you.

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